The International School Braunschweig-Wolfsburg (IS) was founded and became the fifth division of the CJD Braunschweig in 2004.
The stumbling block was the request of international employees from global players in the region (such as VW or Siemens) to submit their children a leading and exclusive education, consisting of an international and boarding school. The school is a partner of Cambridge University Centre and IB World Schools.
2013 will be the first senior year includig the International Baccalaureat (IB). Referring to the last statistical survey (2009), 79 % of the parents are overall satisfied
Mögl. Abschlüsse
Abitur, Fachhochschulreife, Fachoberschulreife, Mittlere Reife, mit Erweiterung, International Baccalaureate, Internationaler Schulabschluss
"English-Only Zone" all over the school. Special preparation courses support the access for new students.
pro Monat
je nach Angeboten/Leistungen
highest fees include the non-obligatory visit of the cjd boarding- school.
Englisch, Spanish, Chinese, French, German (native and foreign speakers)
warmes Mittagessen, Mensa, Cafeteria, Kiosk
Mittagsbetreuung, gemeinsames Mittagessen, Ganztagsbetreuung, Hausaufgabenbetreuung, betreutes Spielen, künstlerische Angebote, handwerkliche Angebote, musikalische Angebote, Sportangebote, Erlebnispädagogik, Draußenaktivitäten, Frühbetreuung